Adventure X | Barbarian | Dogs of War | Gordian Tomb | Green Beret | Sensitive | Snake Pitcher | Spore |
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INTRODUCTION The evil sorcerer Drax desires Princess Mariana and has sworn to wreak an unspeakable doom on the people of the Jewelled City unless she is delivered to him. However, he has agreed that if a champion can be found who is able to defeat his demonic guardians, the princess will be allowed to go free. All seems lost as champion after champion is defeated. Then, from the forgotten wastelands of the North, comes an unknown barbarian, a mighty warrior, wielding his broadsword with deadly skill. Can he vanquish the forces of Darkness and free the Princess? Only you can say... SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
NOTES Barbarian is a remake of the classic game on various 8 and 16 bit systems (C64/Amiga/ST/etc). You can play the original game on an emulator. CREDITS
REVISION HISTORY + new feature; = changed feature; - removed feature; * bugfix